Frosty Snow Globe

A delightful concoction of gin and tonic with a charming marshmallow snowman floating inside. Topped off with a rosemary sprig garnish, this enchanting drink is the perfect way to toast to the festive spirit of Christmas.


Recipe Type: Drinks | Serves: 1


  • Vegan Marshmallows: 3 big + more for rim

  • Whole Cloves

  • Gin: 1 oz (omit for mocktail, or sub for non-alcoholic version)

  • Tonic Water: 4 oz

  • Rosemary Sprig

  • Opalescent Sprinkles


  1. Melt some vegan marshmallows and roll the top of your glass to create a rim. Dip the melted marshmallow rim into the sprinkles.

  2. Create your marshmallow snowman, combine 3 marshmallows, and connect with toothpicks. Using cloves, create eyes, a nose, and a smile.

  3. In the glass, add in your gin if using, followed by tonic water. Add in your marshmallow snowman and a sprig of rosemary, and enjoy!

This is optional, but if you want to add hands to your snowman, I used the ends of the rosemary sprig as “sticks”

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